
2. Before the Interview

If you do well in a screening interview, you will be invited to a face-to-face interview. After your interview is scheduled, it is time to prepare so that you will make a good impression. How can you avoid appearing unprofessional when a potential employer calls to schedule an interview? Check all that apply.

  • Apologize when you answer the phone
  • Invest in a good answering machine or voice mail service
  • If you have children, prevent them from answering the phone
  • Do not answer your phone if you are in a noisy location

When a potential employer contacts you for an interview, be sure to ______.

Read the scenario, and answer the question.

You want to learn more about a prospective employer as you prepare for a face-to-face interview. Which online resource can you use when gathering information?

  • Blogs
  • Reference lists
  • Job boards

Read the scenario, and answer the question.


What guidelines should he follow when deciding what to wear for his interview? Check all that apply.

  • Avoid wearing a lot of jewelry
  • Strive for a coordinated, natural appearance
  • Wear bright colors in the latest fashion
  • Avoid wearing suits if the prospective employer has a casual dress code
  • Avoid loud colors

Which of these will help you become less nervous and prepare for successful interviews?

  • Remember that it is a two-way street
  • Avoid direct engagement
  • Understand that if offered, you must accept the position

davidapdavidap asked 4 months ago



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