
2. Learn It: Concept Check Quiz 14-2

Introduction: Take this quiz to get a quick check on your understanding of chapter concepts.

Removing questionable content and posting only positive information are ways to clean up your _____ presence.

Specific examples of your educational and work-related experience designed to demonstrate your relevant qualifications during an interview are also known as which of these?

  • Elevator pitches
  • Informed responses
  • Success stories

Which of these can help you ensure a professional digital presence?

  • Considering your personal social media profiles personal and private
  • Discussing your current job search openly while still employed
  • Sharing positive news and product reviews

davidapdavidap asked 4 months ago



  1. Digital
  2. Success stories
  3. Sharing positive news and product reviews

davidmacagodavidmacago answered 4 months ago

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