
Add Conditional Formatting to show Solid Blue Data Bars. In the range F5:F10, add Line sparklines based on the data in the range B5:E10.

full question is given below pls hlp

  1. Gudrun Duplessis is a manager in the Alanis Parks Department. Gudrun is compiling spending data in preparation for a city bond offering for park funding. She wants to use Excel to create charts to illustrate some of her data and to apply a function to calculate the potential monthly and yearly costs to the city of different bond scenarios.

Switch to the Spending worksheet. In the range, E5:E10, add Conditional Formatting to show Solid Blue Data Bars.

  1. In the range F5:F10, add Line sparklines based on the data in the range B5:E10.
  2. Apply the Blue, Accent 1, Darker 25% (5th column, 5th row in the Theme Colors palette) sparkline color to the range F5:F10.

ramesrames asked 2 years ago



  1. Select E50:E10. In the home tab, styles group, click Conditional formating. Choose bata bars, and select blue data bars from solid fill.
  2. Select F5:F10. Search spark line or go to insert tab click Line and fill B5:B10.
  3. Select F5:F10, go to Sparline tab. Under style group, click theme color. Choose Blue, Accent 1, Darker 25% (5th column, 5th row).

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davidmacagodavidmacago answered 2 years ago

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