
Could you do excel module 7 project 2?

Alex Makula is a project manager for the Content Shop, an online firm based in New Haven, Connecticut, that provides written content for websites. Alex is compiling data on the contract writers and editors the company works with, and he asks for your help completing the workbook and analyzing the data. Switch to the Contract Writers worksheet, where Alex created a formula with the VLOOKUP function to look up contractor names by their Contractor ID. Other project managers will use this workbook, and he wants to alert them when they enter an incorrect ID number. In cell B4, nest the existing VLOOKUP function in an IFERROR function. If the VLOOKUP function returns an error result, display "Invalid Contractor ID" as the error text.

SoftpupsSoftpups asked a year ago




Hi, just click on cell B4 and type =iferror(vlookup(..), "Invalid Contractor ID")

Syntax documentation pulled from Microsoft website:

Syntax IFERROR(value, value_if_error)

The IFERROR function syntax has the following arguments:

value Required. The argument that is checked for an error.

value_if_error Required. The value to return if the formula evaluates to an error. The following error types are evaluated: #N/A, #VALUE!, #REF!, #DIV/0!, #NUM!, #NAME?, or #NULL!.


davidapdavidap edited a year ago

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