
Fernanda wants to clarify what each line means in Scatter with Straight Lines chart E15:J28. Edit chart series names by using cell F5 as name for Series 1. For series 2, use G5

Pls help me to edit the chart series names by using cell F5 as the series name for Series 1. For Series 2, use cell G5 as the series name. For Series 3, use cell H5 as the series name. For Series 4, use cell I5 as the series name. For Series 5, use cell J5 as the series name.

ramesrames asked 2 years ago




Select the chart > In the Chart Design tab, click Select Data > Click Series 1 > Click on the Edit button > Click on the cell F5 and the series name will be automatically filled as =Logistics!$F$5.

Click Ok and repeat same step to edit Series 2, 3, 4, and 5.

davidapdavidap answered 2 years ago

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