Benicio also wants to make it easy to access more detailed information about the managers, which he has stored in a Word document.
Create a link to a file as follows:
a. In cell I9, create a link to the Word document Support_EX19_CS5-8a_Management.docx.
b. Use Management Details as the text to display.
c. Use Access manager details as the ScreenTip text.
davidap asked 2 years ago
Reading books is a great way to learn. Here are some of the books we recommend.
Right click cell I9 and select link option.
Under Link to group, click "Existing File or Web Page" option. Then browser and select Support_EX19_CS5-8a_Management.docx which is given by Cengage.
After that, enter Management Details as text to display which might already be there.
Select ScreenTip button from the left hand side and enter Access manager details, and then click OK and then again click OK.
Video instruction: