Carmelo Miraglia is an executive consultant at Tallridge Regional Medical Center. Carmelo is building a workbook that summarizes income and expenses for the organization. Change the theme of the workbook to Office.
On the Departments worksheet, change the width of columns C through H to 12.00 characters.
Change the height of row 1 to 21 points.
davidmacago asked a year ago
Reading books is a great way to learn. Here are some of the books we recommend.
To change the theme go to the Page Layout tab and click on the Themes dropdown. Select Office theme, which must be at the first position.
Click on the top of column C (where C is written) and then hold
key and then click on the top of H rows. This way you can select column C through H. Keep you cursor to the column header and then right click.Now select "Column Width..." option. Enter 12 in the Column Width and hit OK.
Click row 1 (where 1 is written). Then, right click and select "Row Height...". Type 21 in Row Height field and click Ok.