
question number 9 of module 5 1a

  1. Edra wants to create a copy of the formatted Oregon worksheet to use for the Washington section of the chain's sales data. Create a copy of the Oregon worksheet between the Oregon worksheet and the Consolidated Sales worksheet, and then update the worksheet as follows:
    a. Change the worksheet name to Washington for the copied worksheet.
    b. Edit the text to read Washington in the merged range A2:F2.
    c. Clear the contents of the range B6:E9.

rajanarajana asked a year ago





  • Right-click on the "Oregon" worksheet tab at the bottom of the screen.
  • Select "Move or Copy" from the context menu.
  • In the "Move or Copy" dialog box, check the box next to "Create a copy".
  • In the "Before sheet" list, select "Consolidated Sales".
  • Click "OK". Now, you should have a copy of the "Oregon" worksheet placed between the original "Oregon" worksheet and the "Consolidated Sales" worksheet.
  • Right-click on the tab of the copied worksheet (which should be named "Oregon (2)".
  • Select "Rename" from the context menu.
  • Type "Washington" and press Enter.


  • Click on the merged cell range A2:F2 on the "Washington" worksheet.
  • Type "Washington" and press Enter.


  • Select the range B6:E9.
  • Right-click on the selected range and select "Clear Contents" from the context menu.

Video explanation:

dipendipen answered a year ago

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