
Use the slicers to filter the Contractors table to show contractors who started in 2021 or 2022 with specialties of Electronics and Movies and music

Please help with these questions:

  1. Padma asks you to make it easy to filter the table based on the contractor's specialty and starting year. Insert two slicers, one based on the Specialty field and the other based on the Start Year field.
  2. Resize both slicers to a height of 2.2" and a width of 1.5". Move the Specialty slicer so its upper-left corner is in cell I4 and its lower-right corner is in cell I14. Move the Start Year slicer so its upper-left corner is in cell J4 and its lower-right corner is in cell J14.
  3. Use the slicers to filter the Contractors table to show contractors who started in 2021 or 2022 with specialties of Electronics and Movies and music.
  4. Since Padma is using slicers to filter the data, hide the filter buttons in the Contractors table.

krishnakrishna asked 2 years ago



  1. Click on any cell inside table. Table Design tab will appear. Click that tab and click Insert Slicer. Check Speciality and Start Year and hit okay.
  2. Click on Slicer. Slicer tab will appear. Under the Size group, edit height as 2.2" and width as 1.5". Mover the slicers in the required cell by dragging 'em or move mouse to the corner and extend by dragging.
  3. Go to the Start Year slicer and select 2021 and 2022. Select 2021 hold ctrl or cmd and click 2022 to select multiple items. Same for specialties.
  4. Click on any cell of the table and click Table Design tab. Check off Filter Button checkmark.

Video instructions:

davidmacagodavidmacago answered 2 years ago

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