Can someone please help me to find the slope of linear supply function? The instructor told to provide detailed explanations of the computations, but ...
Hello there! I assume that in implicit function, independent and dependent variables are not defined properly. But I'm not sure how can I convert the ...
I believe the linear demand function is, Qd = a - bP, where -b is the slope. Is the required slope, -b = (Qd - a)/P?
I assue the equation of linear demand function is Q^d = a - bP. I'm not sure how is its graph and how should I explain it. Can someone pls help me
hello, I'm sure that independent and dependent variables are not defined properly in the implicit function but they are defined in the explicit functi...
I kinda know that explicit function has its variables explicitly defined, but I've no idea about implicit function. Can you pls help? I also have no i...
Hello. I want help graphing the nonstandard function and its explanation. I skimmed the internet and found the equation of a non-standard function is ...
I believe the equation of standard function is y = f(x). But I don’t how is it’s graph and the methods to create it. Can someone please help?