Business Communications >Unit 02 >Chapter 03 >Organizing Ideas to Show Relationships

Organizing Ideas to Show Relationships

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Author: Ryan Smith

Once you have collected data for a message, you'll need to find a way to organize it. Well-organized messages group similar ideas together, allowing readers to see relationships and follow arguments. You can use two primary techniques for organizing your information: a scratch list and an outline.

Scratch lists and outlines give you a chance to  .

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Preparing a scratch list or an outline before you begin writing helps you arrange your thoughts before you get bogged down in word choice and sentence structure. In the end, this will help make your message more organized and easier to follow.

Answer the question based on the following scratch list.

The Boston Hotel
High-end linens
600-thread-count sheets
Coffeemaker and selected teas
Imported beer
Fresh-squeezed juices
Food and drink
Double-thick bath towels
Silk pillowcases
Raw silk curtains with gold embellishments
$100/night four-star rooms
Free snacks, shampoo, and conditioner
Free wireless Internet

Which group includes supporting details that could be added to the previous scratch list?

  • High-end linens, free wireless Internet, and free snacks, shampoo, and conditioner
  • Safety, comfort, and half-price Tuesday
  • Sparkling water, evening wine tasting, and four-star hotel restaurant

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Sparkling water, evening wine tasting, and four-star hotel restaurant could each be added to the category food and drink. Safety, comfort, communication, and cleanliness are broader topics; thus, they are additional categories, not supporting details.

Business messages typically follow either a direct strategy or an indirect strategy. The direct strategy, or frontloading, places the main idea at the beginning of a message.

Using a direct opening strategy  .

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The direct opening has at least three advantages: It saves the reader time by starting with the main idea, it sets a proper frame of mind by providing the main idea first, and it reduces frustration by eliminating extra verbiage.

An indirect strategy places the main idea after an explanation or reason.

Which of these is a situation that might call for an indirect strategy? Check all that apply.

  • You need to reschedule a standing meeting with your staff.
  • You are writing to your division to inform them of a mandatory furlough.
  • You want to convince your very old-fashioned boss to implement casual Fridays.
  • You are giving an employee a formal performance warning.
  • You want to congratulate your boss on their promotion to division manager.

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The indirect strategy works best with audiences who are uninterested, unwilling, displeased, or perhaps hostile. An indirect opening works well with bad news, sensitive news, and certain types of persuasive messages.

Which of these is a benefit to using an indirect strategy?

  • Saves the reader time
  • Minimizes negative reaction
  • Eliminates audience confusion

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There are three major benefits of using an indirect opening with messages of a sensitive nature or unwilling recipients: It respects the feelings of the audience by softening the impact of the message, it facilitates a fair hearing by delaying the main point, and it minimizes a negative reaction by delivering the news gently.

Read the following scenario and determine if the situation requires a direct or indirect message.

You have just been offered a promotion that your friend and coworker, Janet, has been hoping for. Janet knows that you had a meeting scheduled with your boss today and sends you an e-mail asking how your meeting went. You know Janet will be upset when she hears the news of your promotion; however, she is a good friend, and you need to be honest and tell her in your response e-mail.

  • Direct
  • Indirect

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You would choose an indirect message because this is a sensitive situation. Your friend and coworker will very likely be upset that she was passed over for the promotion. As you draft your e-mail, you will need to be sensitive to her feelings.

Read the following message and identify the organizational strategy used.

Your bonuses will be in your next paycheck. The sales department exceeded its goals this month. Congratulations!

In this message, the   organizational strategy is used.

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This message is direct because it places the most important information at the beginning. This approach works best because people want to know whether or not they received a bonus; they do not want to wait until the end of the message to find out. The audience's reaction to this message will certainly be positive. Therefore, it is not necessary to use an indirect approach.

Outlines give you a chance to organize your thinking before determining word choice and sentence structure. Which of these will help you create a more effective outline?

Check all that apply.

  • Separate the main topic from the title.
  • Divide the main topic into major components.
  • Allow subpoints to overlap.
  • Avoid single items under major components.
  • Break subpoints into major components.
  • Make each subpoint exclusive.

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