Business Communications >Unit 02 >Chapter 03 >Learn It: Concept Check Quiz 3-2

Learn It: Concept Check Quiz 3-2

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Author: Ryan Smith

Introduction: Take this quiz to get a quick check on your understanding of chapter concepts.

The direct organizational strategy is also known as  .

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Frontloading, also known as the direct organizational method, places the main idea at the beginning of the message.

Which of these are advantages to the indirect organizational pattern? Check all that apply.

  • It minimizes a negative reaction by the reader.
  • It saves the reader's time by getting to the point right away.
  • It creates a buffer for potentially bad news or a persuasive request.
  • It does not require an introduction or conclusion.


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A reader's overall reaction to a negative message is generally improved if the news is delivered gently, and the indirect approach provides a buffer.

Which of these should determine whether you organize a message using the direct or indirect strategy?

  • Which approach will save you most time?
  • Whether you are on a computer or a mobile device
  • How you expect the audience to react to the message?
  • Whether you are in a position of authority over the receiver(s)

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