Business Communications >Unit 02 >Chapter 03 >Learn It: Concept Check Quiz 3-5

Learn It: Concept Check Quiz 3-5

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Author: Ryan Smith

Introduction: Take this quiz to get a quick check on your understanding of chapter concepts.

Which of these transitional expressions serve to show cause and effect within a paragraph? Check all that apply.

  • Consequently
  • Therefore
  • For example
  • Meanwhile
  • So

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Consequently, therefore, and so are transitional expressions indicating cause and effect. Meanwhile suggests time or order, and for example suggests clarification.

Which type of words can help build continuity in a paragraph by indicating that something under discussion is still being referred to?

  • Pronouns
  • Transitional words
  • Action verbs
  • Nouns

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Pronouns can replace a previously-used noun to signal continued discussion of the same topic. Familiar pronouns include we, they, he, she, and it, and demonstrative pronouns include this, that, these, and those.

Which of these statements regarding paragraph length is true?

  • Paragraphs with eight or fewer printed lines look most inviting and readable.
  • Long, solid chunks of print are most engaging to readers because they suggest depth of content.
  • Business writers should avoid dividing longer paragraphs to ensure coherence.

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