Business Communications >Unit 02 >Chapter 04 >Learn It: Concept Check Quiz 4-1

Learn It: Concept Check Quiz 4-1

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Author: Ryan Smith

Introduction: Take this quiz to get a quick check on your understanding of chapter concepts.

During Phase 3 of the writing process, evaluating refers to which of these actions?

  • Analyzing whether your message achieves its purpose
  • Improving the content and sentence structure of your message
  • Correcting grammar, spelling, format, and mechanics

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The evaluating part of the writing process involves analyzing whether your message achieves its purpose. Refer to 4-1: Revising: Applying Phase 3 of the Writing Process.

Which of these opening sentences of a paragraph is an example of a long lead-in?

  • We are now accepting registrations for the Employee Wellness Program.
  • This e-mail is to let you know that registration for the Employee Wellness Program is now open.
  • Early registration for the Employee Wellness Program is now open.

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This e-mail is to let you know that signals a long lead-in, or unnecessary introductory words.

Refer to 4-1: Revising: Applying Phase 3 of the Writing Process.

Messaging on sites such as Twitter, Tumblr, or Plurk is known as  .

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