Business Communications >Unit 02 >Chapter 04 >Learn It: Concept Check Quiz 4-4

Learn It: Concept Check Quiz 4-4

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Author: Ryan Smith

Introduction: Take this quiz to get a quick check on your understanding of chapter concepts.

Which of these techniques is recommended for proofreading a complex document? Check all that apply.

  • Set the draft aside for at least a day before proofreading
  • Proofread immediately after completing the draft while ideas are still fresh
  • Concentrate on individual words rather than ideas
  • Concentrate on broad ideas rather than individual words
  • Read the document at least twice
  • Look for content errors and grammatical errors in the same reading

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Techniques for effectively proofreading a complex document include setting the draft aside for at least a day before proofreading to approach the task with a fresh eye; concentrating on individual words rather than ideas; and reading the document at least twice, once for meaning and once for grammar and mechanics.

Which of these reasons explains why many writers struggle with proofreading their own writing effectively?

  • Spell check and other programs make proofreading routine messages unnecessary.
  • Writers tend to see what they thought they wrote.
  • During proofreading, writers tend to concentrate on individual words rather than ideas.

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Many of us struggle with proofreading our own writing because we are seeing the same information over and over, and we tend to see what we thought we wrote.

When proofreading especially long documents, the third reading should focus on .

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When proofreading an especially long document, a third reading focusing solely on formatting is recommended.

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