Business Communications >Unit 01 >Chapter 01 >Practicing Active Listening

Practicing Active Listening

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Author: Ryan Smith

Choose the best description of the barrier listed.

Psychological barriers

  • We “tune out” others' ideas that run counter to our own preconceived thoughts.
  • We fail to listen because we are just waiting for the next pause when we get to speak.
  • We become bored because we can process thoughts three times faster than speakers can present them.

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Everyone brings to the communication process a unique set of cultural, ethical, and personal values. Each of us has an idea of what is right and what is important. If other ideas run counter to our preconceived thoughts, we tend to tune out speakers and thus fail to receive their messages.

Choose the best description of the barrier listed.

Physical barriers

  • We find it difficult to listen because of impediments such as hearing loss, poor acoustics, or fatigue.
  • We respond unfavorably to unfamiliar jargon and “charged” words.
  • We fail to listen because we are just waiting for the next pause when we get to speak.

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Physical barriers interfere with listening when we encounter impediments such as hearing loss, poor acoustics, or fatigue.

Complete the sentence with the most appropriate choice.

You can counter the effects of physical barriers by  .

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When possible, remove competing sounds and establish a quiet place for listening.

Complete the sentence with the most appropriate choice.

You can improve your listening if you  .

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The best way to improve your listening skills is to stop talking and let others explain their views.

Read the following scenario, and answer the questions that follow.

Diane is part of a recently restructured team. Diane previously held a supervisory role in a different division; however, due to a company merger, she is now a new member of a team with no formal hierarchy. In meetings, Diane is often distracted by the fact that she is no longer leading the team, and she doesn't think her new coworkers really “get the big picture.” Diane finds herself just waiting for breaks in the conversation to make her points and ideas heard. When others are talking, she is often bored and inattentive, thinking about other tasks she needs to accomplish.

Identify the listening barriers. Check all that apply.

  • Grandstanding
  • Faking attention
  • Nonverbal distractions
  • Psychological barriers
  • Thought speed

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In meetings, Diane is encountering psychological barriers—she has preconceived notions of the qualifications of her coworkers and dwells on past situations, not on current issues. In addition, she is letting thought speed interfere with her listening ability.

Identify tips that would help Diane listen more effectively to her team. Check all that apply.

  • Raise her hand.
  • Hold her fire.
  • Control her surroundings.
  • Capitalize on lag time.
  • Establish a receptive mind-set.


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Diane can improve her listening and productivity by establishing a receptive mind-set to foster positive communication, by capitalizing on lag time to review main points, and by holding her fire, or forcing herself to listen to the speaker's entire argument.

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