Business Communications >Unit 01 >Chapter 01 >Understanding Culture and Communication

Understanding Culture and Communication

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Author: Ryan Smith

Globalization has changed the nature of work. To communicate effectively in a global marketplace, you must understand the basic dimensions of culture: individualism, formality, communication style, and time orientation. The following examples describe a dimension of culture. Identify which dimension is described in each case.

In some Arab cultures, a person's word is more binding than a contract.

  • Communication style
  • Time orientation
  • Power distance
  • Individualism


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To Americans, words are very important, especially in contracts, but some Arab cultures may be insulted by the mere mention of a contract; a person's word is more binding.

In North America, keeping people waiting for a business appointment is considered rude.

  • Time orientation
  • Power distance
  • Individualism
  • Context


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North Americans consider time a precious commodity. Tardiness is considered rude.

Two barriers prevent people from successfully understanding and accepting people from other cultures: ethnocentrism and stereotypes. Fortunately, these barriers may be overcome by developing tolerance.

Choose the best answer for each of the following.

The way we think, behave, and communicate is shaped by _______.

  • diversity
  • culture


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Culture may be defined as the complex system of values, traits, morals, and customs shared by a society. Culture is a powerful operating force that molds the way we think, behave, and communicate.

Eileen comes from a high-context cultures. Which of the following would likely be true when communicating with Eileen? Check all that apply.

  • Little background information will be given.
  • Messages will be explicit.
  • Nonverbal expression will be emphasized.
  • Responses will have little vocal inflection.
  • Facial expression is more important the words spoken.


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Communicators in these cultures pay attention to more than the spoken or written word. They emphasize interpersonal relationships, nonverbal expression, physical settings, and social context.

Eileen considers time a precious commodity not to be wasted, so meetings always start on time and stay focused on the objective.

Which of the following represents Eileen's time orientation outlook?

  • Monochronic
  • Polychronic


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Those who have a monochronic perception of time view time as if it were running on a single, linear track. People in monochronic cultures view time as a precious commodity and may look at time as formal and task oriented.

Eileen prepared a PowerPoint presentation for potential customers in the Middle East and Asia. They added colorful graphics to impress their audience, including orange, yellows, and reds. They also included specific deadlines and questions the audience needed to be prepared to answer. However, the presentation was not well received and they lost a valuable account.

What should Eileen done to improve their PowerPoint presentation? Check all that apply.

  • Sent the presentation ahead of time to better prepare the audience.
  • Considered cultural preferences.
  • Prepared separate presentations for each client.


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Knowledge of color symbolism across cultures to prevent cultural blunders. In Asia, orange is an auspicious hue; however, in the Middle East, orange signifies mourning and loss. Despite cultural convergence—the equalizing influence of globalization on cultures around the world— regional and cultural differences persist.

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