Grammar/Mechanics Checkup 1: Nouns
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Author: Ryan Smith
Identify whether the bold term is an abstract or concrete noun.
Linda created a spreadsheet to keep track of the team’s progress.
- Concrete noun
- Abstract noun
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Concrete nouns name specific objects that can be seen, heard, felt, tasted, or smelled. Abstract nouns name ideas, qualities, or concepts. A spreadsheet is a concrete noun.
Determine whether the bold term is a proper or common noun.
The president of the Association of Accounting Students is a junior.
- Proper noun
- Common noun
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Proper nouns name specific persons, places, or things and are always capitalized. All other nouns are common and are not capitalized. President is not a specific name and is a common noun.
Which of the following are correctly spelled plural nouns? Check all that apply.
- Programes
- Faxes
- Copiers
- Bosses
- Companys
- CPA's
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To form plural nouns, follow these guidelines: add es to nouns ending in s, x, z, ch, or sh; add s to most numerals, letters, degrees, and abbreviations; and drop the y and add ies to nouns ending in y if y is preceded by a consonant.
Collective nouns may be considered singular or plural depending on their action.
Choose the appropriate verb for the bold noun in the following sentence.
The team meeting next Monday at 9:00 AM.
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In this sentence, team is a collective singular noun. The members are acting as a unit.
Choose the correct noun form to complete the sentence.
A1 Pet Supply has retail locations in six in Ohio.
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To form the plural form of nouns ending in y, drop the y and add ies when the y is preceded by a consonant.