Concept Check Quiz 1-1
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Author: Ryan Smith
Introduction: Take this quiz to get a quick check on your understanding of chapter concepts.
Uber, Lyft, and Airbnb are examples of industry changers born out of increased access to smartphone apps, creating what is referred to as a economy.
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The new sharing economy emerged thanks to platforms accessible with smartphone apps and has radically transformed whole industries. The sharing of cars (through companies like Uber and Lyft), bikes, and e-scooters has changed urban transportation; similarly, Airbnb has disrupted the hospitality industry.
Today's employers desire a combination of communication, logical reasoning, critical thinking, teamwork, and management skills. What are common names for this set of skills? Check all that apply.
- Hard skills
- Interpersonal skills
- Academic intelligence
- Professional skills
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In addition to technical knowledge, your future employer will expect you to show professionalism and possess what are variously called soft skills, people skills, or emotional intelligence. These powerful social skills are anything but “soft” or inferior, however. To reflect their growing importance, we prefer the terms interpersonal skills or professional skills, which may be defined as a combination of communication, logical reasoning, critical thinking, teamwork, and management skills.
Some employers are increasingly hiring free agents or independent contractors on a project basis, contributing to what is called a economy.
- solo
- gig
- digital
- traditional
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Parts of our future economy may rely on free agents who will be hired on a project basis in what has been dubbed the gig economy, referring to short-term and freelance work as opposed to full-time, salaried positions.