Business Communications >Unit 01 >Chapter 01 >Concept Check Quiz 1-4

Concept Check Quiz 1-4

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Author: Ryan Smith

Introduction: Take this quiz to get a quick check on your understanding of chapter concepts.

Which of these scenarios would be most likely to occur in a low-context culture?

  • A “yes” response would come to be understood as “no” by the facial expressions and tone used to deliver the message.
  • The communicator of a message works hard to craft a clear, action-oriented message, knowing that the words will be taken literally.
  • The physical setting in which a message is delivered could affect its meaning.

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Communicators in low-context cultures assume that messages must be explicit because listeners rely exclusively on the written or spoken word.

Which dimension of culture informs an individual's perception of authority in relation to a work supervisor or manager?

  • Individualism
  • Power distance
  • Communication style

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Power distance refers to the ways authority is perceived in various cultures, particularly in how individuals relate to and communicate with those with more or less power.

Restricted access to the Internet in authoritarian countries around the world is part of a trend known as digital  .

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Restricted access to the Internet, once known as a unified global network, in certain authoritarian countries is one of the more serious results of a trend called digital nationalism.

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