Business Communications >Unit 01 >Chapter 01 >Concept Check Quiz 1-3

Concept Check Quiz 1-3

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Author: Ryan Smith

Introduction: Take this quiz to get a quick check on your understanding of chapter concepts.

Which of these is an example of effective nonverbal communication?

  • Increasing your vocal tone for a large audience
  • Dressing professionally for an interview
  • Using persuasive language in an email

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Personal appearance, including attire, can send important nonverbal messages. Vocal tone and language choice in an email are examples of verbal communication choices.

Which of these nonverbal gestures would help you to show your genuine engagement in an interview process? Check all that apply.

  • Sitting back in your chair to show that you are confident and relaxed
  • Ensuring that your written materials are polished and professional
  • Keeping your cell phone sound on to show that calls and messages are important to you
  • Leaning slightly forward and maintaining eye contact with the interviewer
  • Arriving a few minutes late since you know there are other candidates interviewing before you

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Of these choices, only these two would show genuine engagement; the others would likely reveal the opposite.

The zones of interaction help us to understand and acknowledge territorial factors in the communication process.

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Four zones of social interaction among Americans help us acknowledge the external factor of territory in communicating with others.

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