Business Communications >Unit 02 >Chapter 04 >Ensuring Message Clarity

Ensuring Message Clarity

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Author: Ryan Smith

Business writers appreciate messages that are clear and understandable. Proofreading and evaluating your work will help you compose messages that are clear, concise, and direct. Revise for clarity by eliminating trite phrases, avoiding jargon and slang, and dropping clichés.

How can you eliminate unclear writing?

  • Use company jargon.
  • Keep it short but complex.
  • Write for clarity, not to impress someone.

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Focus on expressing your point, not impressing your reader.
To achieve clarity, resist the urge to show off or be fancy. Remember that your goal is not to impress a reader. As a business writer, your goal is to express, not impress.

In order to sound businesslike, many writers mistakenly use stale expressions, thinking they sound more impressive. Which of these are fresh, vigorous, and clear phrases? Check all that apply.

  • At your request
  • In accordance with your wishes
  • Have received
  • Pursuant to your request
  • Separately
  • Please do not hesitate to
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Stale or trite business phrases often interfere with the clarity and directness of business messages.

Have received, separately, and at your request are clearer and more direct than the other choices.

Avoid slang and jargon to achieve clarity.

Select the clearest options to complete the sentence.

Andy the  .

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Slang is terminology that sounds fashionable but lacks precision. Jargon is terminology unique to a profession. To ensure the clarity of your message, avoid using slang and unfamiliar jargon.

Totally bombed and screwed up are slang expressions. SQL back-end setup is jargon.

Clichés are expressions that have become exhausted because of overuse. Read the following message, and identify the clichés.

First and foremost, I would like to thank you all for your ability to think outside the box. While it is easier said than done, you all fit the bill and remain true to form by creating marketing campaigns that pass with flying colors. As we move on to the next assignment as quick as a flash, remember that despite the turnaround speed of our projects, we can't afford to shoot from the hip. We must stand our ground and remain the exception to the rule, producing promotions that are better than new and good to go. Last but not least, please save the date for our annual company BBQ on May 23.

Which of these are clichés included in the preceding message? Check all that apply.

  • Annual company BBQ
  • Stand our ground
  • Save the date
  • Last but not least
  • Fit the bill
  • First and foremost
  • Think outside the box
  • Shoot from the hip
  • Better than new

Clichés are often vague and ambiguous. The italic items in the selection are clichés.

First and foremost, I would like to thank you all for your ability to think outside the box. While it is easier said than done, you all fit the bill and remain true to form by creating marketing campaigns that pass with flying colors. As we move on to the next assignment as quick as a flash, remember that despite the turnaround speed of our projects, we can't afford to shoot from the hip. We must stand our ground and remain the exception to the rule, producing promotions that are better than new and good to go. Last but not least, please save the date for our annual company BBQ on May 23.

Choose the best revision of this unclear message.

The Johnson folder is code red and must be handled offline and across cross-functional departments in the accounting section of this firm.

  • The Johnson folder contains confidential information. It should be viewed only by the accounting department.
  • The Johnson file should be handled in the accounting department by being carefully passed around to various groups.

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