Business Communications >Unit 02 >Chapter 04 >Catching Errors With Careful Proofreading

Catching Errors With Careful Proofreading

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Author: Ryan Smith

After you compose your message, you need to proofread. The proofreading process may take longer than the composition process. You don't want to spend a lot of time composing the message and then let poor grammar or punctuation prevent your audience from comprehending it.

What should you do when proofreading a complex document? Check all that apply.

  • Read the document quickly and check for grammatical errors.
  • Print a double-spaced copy and set it aside for at least a day.
  • Make sure you are the only one who reads it.
  • Read the document at least twice.

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Printing a double-spaced copy and reading it several times makes proofreading a complex document easier. Take your time as you proofread, and carefully check for grammatical errors. Set it aside for a day, and then look at it again. Having someone else proofread your messages is also a good idea.

Read the following selection, and identify any errors.

Checking punctuation before sending your massage is important. When you proofread for punctuation errors make sure that introductory clauses are followed by commas, that compound sentences put commas before coordinating conjungations, and that semicolons and colons are used corectly.

  • This selection contains three misspelled words and one comma error.
  • This selection contains two spelling errors, one run-on sentence, and one comma error.
  • This selection is correct without any revisions.

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In the example below, the misspelled words (massage, conjungations, and corectly) have been corrected. Additionally, a comma has been added after the introductory clause between errors and make. Corrections are highlighted in bold.

Checking punctuation before sending your message is important. When proofreading for punctuation errors, make sure that introductory clauses are followed by commas, that compound sentences put commas before coordinating conjunctions, and that semicolons and colons are used correctly.

Identify the error or style problem in the following sentences.

Everyone must learn how to work his new computer.

  • Spelling
  • Grammar
  • Punctuation

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Revise for grammar mistakes. Make sure you have pronoun agreement. His is a singular noun, but is biased language. The use of their is inclusive and bias-free.

Per your request, I am enclosing Toben's comments.

  • Redundancy
  • Wordy noun phrase
  • Trite expression

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Per your request is a trite expression. Eliminate trite expressions and find more original ways to convey your ideas.

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